In this part are published the results of successfully completed VEGA projects in the Slovak republic government education department and in the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as they were presented by principal investigators in their final reports.The results' annotations are taken from the final reports submitted by the principal investigators.None of annotations were modified by the VEGA agenda administrator.The part of the summmary is the bibliography, where the results were published.

New software configuration that uses data from final reports allows searching the results and publishing activities.The way of data presenting in final reports has changed over the years. Significant results are selected by the VEGA committees.

Possibilities how to search in the system:
  1. Search by the year of completion of the project
  2. In the relevant year it is possible to search for all the projects or search by selecting the possibility "Select significant results" only significant results
  3. Selection of projects according to department ( The Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic, SAS or both departments )
  4. Selection according to VEGA committees
  5. Selection according to the institutions of the projects' principal investigators
  6. Selection according the principal investigator ( it is possible to search by the principal investigator even without entering the year)
  7. Selection according to keywords
  8. When searching for the project title, principal investigator or when searching by the keywords you may enter only part of the searched word.
By clicking on "Continue" reference, the search of bibliography will start.

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